Considering Travel From The Business Person’s Perspective
Everyone who has traveled professionally, know it’s important requirements are as hassle-free as possible or a domino affect may result causing missed connections and critical delays. Maneuvering through customs, switching terminals, running to make quick connections and hoping to see that luggage on the carousel after arrival is always the end-of-trip hope.
COVID-19 has only exacerbating business travel so the Government of Panama has partnered with Copa Airlines and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to develop a mobile application which gives international travelers a “digital passport”. This application tracks countries on a specific itinerary and automatically checks all requirements for required testing and vaccines due to the pandemic ensuring seamless travel.
Panama and Copa Airlines are the first country and airline to participate in the IATA Travel Pass program. Other countries will have access to the application after it is fully vetted by Panama and Copa. The initial testing will begin in March on selected flights from Copa’s Hub of the Americans in Panama City at Tocumen International Airport.
“This is just one more way Panama is working to make conducting international business in Panama as easy as possible for multi-national companies,” said Jose Manuel Bern, a principal with the Empresas Bern Corporation, one of the largest real estate developers in Panama. “We continue to embrace the government’s vision of attracting foreign investment, providing easy access to governmental requirements and making sure there is adequate housing and office options for the companies’ executives and employees.
In addition to making business travel easier by checking travel requirements, the registry will alert travelers to available vaccine centers and testing locations. Ultimately, the Travel Pass will house all necessary information for all passengers and will have the ability to forward results around the globe.
“When you consider this ground-breaking step, along with various business-first programs enacted by the Panamanian government, it’s easy to see why so any multi-national companies choose Panama for their regional headquarters”, said Bern.
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